The Art of Making It

When it comes to figuring out your dream, it’s important to understand where your creativity comes from because the two are interconnected. Having a way to get out of your head and into your heart is the only way one can realize their dreams, whether the dream start a business, have a relationship or something else that is personal to you.

Drawing, painting, stitching, journalling…These are all things that we can do on a daily basis to open our hearts open our minds and connect to our deepest selves in a way that will allow us to achieve anything we can imagine. I first started to realize this after going on a creative retreat in south of France. The trip in another itself was a dream come true but what happened after is what changed my life forever. On that trip for 10 days I was immersed in the world of creating making building using my hands in a way that I’ve never done before for such an extended amount of time being at such peace with myself and my surroundings with my hopes and desires set me on a path to change the way I was living.

Since that trip, I make every day. Sometimes just a few strokes on a coloring page, other days full paintings in art class, which I signed up for post haste!. Making has become a priority, my own personal meditation, a way for me to rejuvenate and decompress and reconnect with my self. In the midst of incredible turbulence in my personal and professional life, it brings me peace and grounding. And from that place, I create my future; I realize my dreams; I have the faith, confidence and energy to persevere..

I wish this kind of transformation for everyone!

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