Delightful little happies

Connect with Verve Newsletter 8.23.2020 So many fun things to tell you! It brings me so much joy to use this newsletter to share the fun things I’m exploring and the interesting conversations I’m having (sometimes with others, sometimes with myself)!  I have so many things to tell you!!!  Your feedback and encouragement has been so appreciated,Continue reading “Delightful little happies”

The benefits of opting-out and other time management tricks

Connect with Verve Newsletter 7.26.2020 Take it down a notch I just woke up from a messed up dream.  I was at the gym — and that’s only the beginning of the nightmare!  I was at the gym, on a treadmill, and the incline was cranked up as high as it could go.  Around my waist wasContinue reading “The benefits of opting-out and other time management tricks”

Plant seeds, take action

Connect with Verve Newsletter 7.11.2020I’m celebrating!  Because these days, the simplest joys, the smallest accomplishments and the most basic wins all deserve a lot of fan fare!  I’m celebrating this fourth Connect with Vervenewsletter going out “on time”, I’m celebrating my first successful week doing Whole 30, and I’m celebrating taking some bold moves in asking for business and theContinue reading “Plant seeds, take action”

Your Most Meaningful Contribution

Connect with Verve Newsletter – 6.13.2020 If there was one question that has summed up 2020 (and there are many, with ‘WTF?!’ being high on the list!), the one that I’ve encountered most has been: “What can I DO?“ At first it was around the new year: “What can I do to make this the bestContinue reading “Your Most Meaningful Contribution”

Connect With Verve Newsletter – 5/31/20

It’s hard to imagine that Verve Leadership is six years old!  The inception story will always be close to my heart, because it coincides so closely with the birth of my daughter.  If you want to know how a weepy pregnant lady and an old bossa nova song led to the creation of my businessContinue reading “Connect With Verve Newsletter – 5/31/20”

What’s in this for you?

Here in the throes of COVID-19, we are all reading so much about self-care, about productivity, about deaths and masks and staying safe and the economy.  As with most things, there are two ways to play this — negative or positive.  Succumb to the fear or embrace the change.  It’s a battle, but each day,Continue reading “What’s in this for you?”

Talking about Verve on the WifeMotherLeader podcast

I recently had a wonderful kismet moment with a new friend that showed me the power of networks and communities. Donielle Buie and I connected a few years ago after I saw a post about her on the Black@Stanford Alumni facebook page. The post was celebrating the launch of her new show, the WifeMotherLeader podcast.Continue reading “Talking about Verve on the WifeMotherLeader podcast”